HOPE Program

HOPE Program

Helping overcome problems in education

Here your child with learning challenges can utilize NILD Therapy, Orton-Gillingham Tutoring, certified therapists, and 504 plans for an optimal education specifically tailored for their needs.

HOPE Program Staff

Christy Spicer
HOPE Program Director

Celia Torres
Homeschool Program Director & NILD Therapist

Heidi Fieght
NILD Therapist

We believe in supporting every student so they can succeed

The HOPE Program at GVCS Broadfording Designed to support students with mild learning disabilities, the HOPE Program provides additional resources, therapy, and tutoring to students that need it. Students are accommodated so that they can remain in the general education classroom. A 504 Plan (classroom accommodation checklist) outlines the student’s educational needs and is given to the classroom teacher. To further support our HOPE students in the classroom, three therapists are on staff throughout the school day and GVCSB PK-5th grade teachers are trained in the Orton-Gillingham method.

High school students connected to the HOPE Program work toward earning either a GVCS Broadfording diploma or a certificate of graduation. This determination is based upon each student’s response to intervention and their level of independence.

Visual-Motor Integration

Visual & Auditory Processing

Auditory & Working Memory

Written Language

Verbal Expression


Executive Function

Individualized formal testing using either the Woodcock Johnson IV Tests of Achievement or the Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement is available, as well as standardized testing (Terra Nova) and various other assessment tools for progress monitoring. Testing is available to GVCS Broadfording students as well as to public and home school students from the surrounding community.

When a need is identified, specialized tutoring (Orton-Gillingham) or therapy (NILD therapy) is available for an additional fee.





Synthetic & analytic

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” Romans 12:12