Homeschool With GVCS

Homeschool with GVCS

Global Vision Christian School Broadfording’s Homeschool program exists to support families in educating their children at home. We provide administrative oversight and accountability that satisfy Maryland’s requirements for home instruction under the supervision of a non-public school.

Do you want to homeschool but aren’t sure where to start? Or are you a veteran looking for a curriculum for your highschooler? Either way, you’re a family with a desire to educate your child with a Biblical Worldview. The GVCS Broadfording Homeschool Program is committed to supporting your philosophy and lifestyle by providing you with a rigorous academic program to ensure your students are prepared for life.


We encourage each of our students to explore, seek out, and fulfill God’s purpose in their lives while providing them with the academic (aka math and reading) and life (aka test-taking strategies) skills needed for success. Global Vision Christian School Broadfording views home education as an alternative method of Christian education, not as a tool for select course remediation or advancement.

High School

If you homeschool your child in partnership with GVCS Broadfording, they will receive a diploma, equivalent of those students that attend the brick & mortar school. Your student can use this diploma for job and college applications.

Depending on your student’s post-graduation goals, three diploma options are available for homeschooled students upon successful completion of pre-approved courses.

They are as follows: a general school diploma, an academic diploma, and an advanced academic diploma. While the school seeks to challenge every student, each track becomes progressively more demanding in advanced levels. Home school students enrolled in the GVCS Broadfording Home School Program are also invited to participate in graduation ceremonies.


A cumulative record for each GVCS Broadfording home school student is kept in the school office. Transcripts are available upon request and can be sent to colleges or jobs as needed.



You’re not alone in your homeschooling journey. You’ve got the parental instinct and drive, and we’re here to back you up! Educational support, guidance, and evaluation is the focus and strength of the GVCS Broadfording homeschool program. In the homeschool package you can access coaching by veteran counselors, help with transcript creation, and the class or sport of your child’s choice.

Trained and experienced homeschool evaluators walk beside you, especially during the tricky navigation that comes with homeschooling through high school. Our expert staff can provide recommendations for methods of instruction, curriculum and courses of study in addition to thorough portfolio reviews. The evaluators possess knowledge and training in a variety of educational areas such as early reading and math skill development, as well as special education and occupational therapy. Home school coordinators at GVCS Broadfording are always accessible for questions or assistance. We’ve got you!

To get started today, call the school office at (301) 797-8886 to set up an interview! We can discuss specific options for your family including details like academic level, registration, rates, and other financial information.



All curricular materials are chosen by you the parents; however, GVCS Broadfording homeschool coordinators are available to provide guidance in the selection process. Parents are given freedom and great flexibility in designing courses of study. Additionally, high school students have several options for obtaining high school credits from credit-by-exam to dual enrollment to internship opportunities.



Want to be set up for success? The guidance department at GVCS Broadfording is accessible to homeschool students and their parents. Scholarship applications, college admission preparatory materials, college reference guides, career guidance manuals and many other materials are available for use. Guidance counselors and home school supervisors are always ready to help homeschooled students and their families approach life after high school graduation.



Homeschooled students are encouraged to participate in annual achievement testing, including the PSAT for high school sophomores and juniors. This testing is provided free of charge to those students enrolled in the GVCS Broadfording Home School Program.



Our homeschoolers are part of the GVCS Broadfording family! That means equal access to everything from intermurals to internships. Here are just a few extracurriculars you have access to as one of our homeschool family:

  • Field Trips
  • School Clubs
  • Interscholastic Sports
  • Special Events (Homecoming, Spirit Week, Serve-A-Thon, College Day, Junior/Senior Banquet)



In the homeschool package, elementary students receive one “special” class at no additional fee. After the first class or sport, an additional fee does apply. Middle and high school students will be charged an extra fee for enrollment in on-campus classes.

Elementary homeschooled students may choose to attend one of the following classes at no additional fee:

  • physical education,
  • art,
  • instructional library,
  • computer (2nd-5th).

Many middle and high school homeschool students elect to take some of their courses at the physical campus thanks to the school’s modified block schedule.

Next Steps:

Ready for your student to apply? Click below to start the process!

Need more Info about our Home School Program? Chat with our administration team.

Want to learn more about GVCS? Take a Virtual Tour of Campus!

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